Ypart.eu is a non-profit online participation platform developed and operated specifically for young people. On Ypart.eu young people can develop ideas on topics together, start projects, discuss and make suggestions. The offer is directed among other things at municipalities, youth organizations and educational facilities, which would like to involve young people more strongly in their decisions. They receive their own group on the platform, which they can permanently manage themselves.
- URL:
- https://ypart.eu
- year:
- 2012-2016
- users:
- 23.027
- partners:
- IJAB – Specialized Agency for International Youth Work of the Federal Republic of Germany e.V.
Titel Podcast

From March to June 2015, a funding round for Ypart was advertised: Youth organisations taking their first steps in the field of digital participation could receive funding for innovative participation projects. The Funding was provided within the framework of a cooperation between the Liquid Democracy e.V. and the Service Agency Youth Participation. The target group were youth associations, Youth recreation facilities, clubs and associations, the temporary limited participation projects, which takes one to two months to complete for the online process to implement the plans. Their projects were supported with consulting, support and configuration services, as well as software training.
One of the winning projects was: Pimp your Town - the temporary pop-up youth parliament in Isernhagen, in which young people of all school types collaborate with politicians and promote the implementation of their ideas in a local politics event.
The ypart.eu platform has been archived since 2017 and has been replaced by its successor OPIN.me. Further information can be found here.